Dress Code
Students’ dress and cleanliness of grooming are important not only to themselves, but also to those with whom the students share the classroom. Students are urged to take pride in their dress and grooming. The following guidelines are in accord with Clark County School District Regulation 5131. A student’s personal appearance should not disrupt or detract from the educational environment of the school. Students must adhere to the following guidelines regarding school dress:
• The Clark County School District Basic Dress Code serves to provide guidelines for student dress and appearance at all District schools (whether or not they adopt Standard Student Attire). Students are to be dressed in such a manner that their appearance in the school contributes to the learning environment. Exemption from the Clark County School District Basic Dress Code may be permitted for medical or religious reasons. Students have a responsibility to dress in alignment with the Clark County School District dress and appearance guidelines.
• Require the wearing of shoes with soles. House slippers and shoes with wheels are not permitted.
• All clothing must be sufficient to conceal any and all undergarments. No skin will show between bottom of shirt/blouse and top of pants or skirts at any time. All sleeveless shirts must have straps at least three inches wide. Prohibited tops include, but are not limited to, crop tops, tank tops, strapless, low-cut clothing, clothing with slits, or tops and outfits that provide minimum coverage.
• Require that all shorts, skorts, skirts, and jumpers/dresses must be at fingertip length.
• All jeans, pants, and trousers must be secured at waist level. Sagging is strictly prohibited. Jeans, pants, and trousers are not to have rips or tears that expose undergarments and/or are located mid-thigh or higher.
• Headgear (hats, hoods, caps, bandanas, hair grooming aids, etc.) is not permitted on campus except for designated school approved uniforms, special events, authorized athletic practices, documented medical conditions, bona fide religious reasons, or Clark County School District/school sanctioned activities.
• CCSD does not discriminate against any person on the basis of race, creed/religion, color, national or ethnic origin, protective hairstyle (to include without limitation, hairstyles such as natural hairstyles, afros, bantu knots, curls, braids, locks, and twists).
• Slogans or advertising on clothing, jewelry, buttons, and/or accessories, which by their controversial, discriminatory, profane, and/or obscene nature disrupt the educational setting, are prohibited.
• Any clothing, jewelry, buttons, and/or accessories that promote illegal or violent conduct, or affiliation with groups that promote illegal or violent conduct such as, but not limited to, the unlawful use of weapons, drugs, alcohol, tobacco, or drug paraphernalia, or clothing that contains threats are prohibited.
• Spiked or studded clothing, jewelry, and/or accessories are prohibited.
• Outerwear such as coats, mittens, and scarves must be removed upon entering the classrooms/buildings. Administrators, teachers, and staff may use their discretion as appropriate based on the temperature in the facility.
• The school administration shall have the right to designate which types of dress, fashion, fads, or appearance disrupt or detract from the educational program and may be a potential safety hazard. The principal shall retain the authority to grant exceptions for spirit days, special event dress days, and school wide free dress days. On those Clark County School District/school sanctioned exception days, schools will notify the students and parent/guardian of the unique dress provisions. Additional information regarding student dress and appearance, including Standard Student Attire, is contained in the Clark County School District Regulation 5131 Dress and Appearance.